Monday, November 14, 2011

Will Pay For Fashion Advice

Most of the easy work is done for a local event where I'll be selling later this week. Harvesting, brewing, dyeing, washing, ironing, tagging, inventorying, readying the display  -- that's the easy part. The hard part is figuring out what to wear. For that, I need your help. Can I bribe you with a chance to win one of my willow-dyed silk scarves?

I've been photographing willow-dyed scarves for Etsy on a dressmaker form gussied up with a thrifted light gray silk dress. I think it looks better than the naked muslin. I've been crossing my fingers that the garment suggests a polished background for those who equate silk with dressing up, and it's simple and neutral enough that more casual dressers can still see themselves wearing a scarf.

Now, even if I could lose 20 pounds by Thursday to fit into that dress myself, that would still leave the problem of what to put on my feet. I won't go into the whole shoe thing again -- it's too depressing. That dress is not an option.

So my choices are:
  • basic-black business-casual
  • casual-casual, as in dressy jeans and sweater
  • working artist low-key funky
All of the choices look good with a scarf. All of the choices meet my personal requirements for comfort. Any of the choices would be appropriate for the venue, where I expect some people will be buying for themselves and others will be buying gifts.

So the question is, What style is best suited to presenting my product?

Let me know what you think at the bottom of of this post where it says "Add a comment" or "View Comments." Or post your opinion on my facebook page. I'll go one better for fashion-slash-marketing advice: If you get a friend to weigh in and say "So-and-So sent me," you might both win a scarf.

I'll draw the winner on Friday, at which time I will have sent away the pumpkin, lost my glass hiking boot, and attired myself once again in studio clothes.


  1. I've never been able to figure out what business casual means. To me, it's an oxymoron. However, I do find myself wanting to see your willow scarves against an actual color, so something black would make them pop. You may also want to try staging them against some deep fall colors like aubergine, rust brown or a dark pumpkin. But, back to what you should wear on Thursday . . . I think no to the jeans and sweater, and yes to a basic black, slightly polished look. Not too polished, though. You should definitely keep the funky artist edge. So, some sort of melding between choices one and three would be my vote.

  2. I didn't mean to be anonymous. I TRIED to leave my name, but the google messed up. It's Anne. Anne Landre.

  3. Although I haven't met you in person (yet), I think the working artist low key funky sounds just right as your blog definitely shows that you are a working artist indeed. Your gorgeous scarves obviously go well with black business casual so you may want to show the potential buyer that they also can look great with another style. Make sure to wear a colour on top that makes the scarf glow.

  4. Hmmm. I bought a coppery vest at the thrift shop last spring, but haven't worn it yet. Will look at that with my scarves. Thanks, Lene!


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