Friday, November 18, 2011

And I'd Like To Thank My Stylists...

Thank you to everyone who commented here and on my Facebook page for helping me decide what to wear to sell my willow-dyed silk scarves at a local show! Your advice helped me decide on this combination:

  • brown linen shirt -- thrifted but restyled with different buttons and funky cuffs (sleeves are always too long for me).  Thanks, Amy and Kim -- the brown instead of black had a nice glow in the lower light of evening. I was almost convinced there's still more brown than gray in my hair.
  • black trousers
  • bigger earrings than I usually wear. I took apart a copper pendant I made a few years ago and converted it into earrings.
Of course, I didn't think to take pictures at the show, where I had both dress forms gussied up in two layers of silk scarves. But I had Bill take these pictures to show the simple way I've been wearing the scarves.

I take two of the 8" x 54" scarves and knot one corner together on each end to make a continuous circle scarf. Then I just loop it over my head. On my frame, three loops works well. And it's so easy to wear that last night when people asked how I tie my scarves I could pull it off and put it back on with no mirror. Easy -- that's my style.

Again, thank you to all my stylists! Bill drew a name for me this morning, and the winner of the free scarf is a commenter from Facebook. Congratulations, Victoria!

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