Bracken dye brewed with iron, on cotton rug warp |
Bracken fern grows in abundance in my neck of the woods. In September, I brewed up a big batch of bracken dye before I headed off to teach in Denver.
Bracken (left) and staghorn sumac leaves (right) |
I find that giving a stained dyebath some extra time to sit in an aluminum pot can help brighten colors. I also find that I should
tape a label to the pot lid, because my loose notes got mixed up and I can't swear to what kind of dyebath I used for a couple of things. The one at the top I know is the second simmer of a bracken bath in which I added some rusty nails to get that dark gray.
Merino top in bracken (?) dyebath |
I'm only 90 percent certain this was the first dyebath extracted from that bracken. Oops.
Natural dye sampler workshop at Sievers' Gathering |
Anyway. There's a good stand of bracken outside one of the studios at Sievers, so I cut enough to brew a pot for a short natural dye workshop I taught as part of the biennial Gathering the last weekend in September. The school is on Washington Island, and being surrounded by Lake Michigan has a huge influence on their weather. While the bracken at home was showing definite signs of frost and freeze, there was fresher stuff at Sievers.
Naturally dyed silk scarves |
In a 4-hour sampling workshop, there's not much time to take pictures. But trust me, students did some beautiful silk scarves, some of which were dyed with that bracken brew.
Unwrapping cold-bundled silk samples |
They also unwrapped some silk I cold-bundled before I left for Denver so these students could swap swatches.
Students' sample cards for cold-bundled hops, bracken, Virginia creeper and willow leaves |
The second column from the left in this photo includes bracken leaves. I'm 90 percent sure the brew I basted some of the bundles with was
bracken, too. The students got the idea, and probably learned to keep better records
than I do!
Frozen bracken for winter dyeing |
In September, I "put up" enough bracken in the freezer to make several dyebaths. I'll try to do a better job of recording and photographing bracken when I brew those. Where did I put that tape?
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