On Saturday, I made willow heart ornaments to include with orders in my Etsy shop between now and Valentine's Day. That was in the "Marketing" column of my to-do list. Throughout my careers (three, as best I can count), I've done a lot of making that went into the marketing column. A few examples come to mind:
- dyeing Easter eggs (30 dozen at a time)
- building retail display fixtures
- painting signs
- fusing fabric to paper for product hang tags
- sewing garments
Several of the young people in our life are just starting their first careers. On Saturday while I was making willow hearts, I was pondering what they may end up doing in those careers.
I got no answers, just a pile of willow hearts. I have no idea whatsoever what will happen even in the next chapter of the lives of these young adults. We're just staying tuned, a loyal audience waiting to see what they make of the world.
How about you? What's the most unusual thing on your job description?
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