Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Thousand Words

It's Day 2 of my Digital Fabric class at Sievers, and we took pictures as well as manipulated them.

My students took a break this afternoon to go outside and take photos while resting eyes that had been staring at computer screens long enough.

A visitor that hitchhiked into the studio on the back of one student became the object of a paparazzi-style photo opportunity.

After his return outside, he stayed put so long it was like he was on the insect equivalent of the red carpet.

Students also photographed Day 1's scrunch-painted silk scarves to use as digital backgrounds and texture layers, and hand-painted inkjet silk to develop into additional design elements.

I know they want to see how we're going to use the American cheese, but they have to wait a little longer. In the meantime, tomorrow we'll be using photos of our red lentil doodles in some fabric designs.

So it was another good day in the studio, made even better with breakfast at Findlay's, Burger Night at Karly's, another spectacular moonrise, good company, laughter and learning.

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