Monday, February 27, 2012

Shifting Gears With Creativity Warm-Ups

Sometimes, shifting gears in the studio goes smoothly and you purr along from one thing to the next. Other times, it feels like going from a 1-speed bike with coaster brakes to an 10-speed, and shifting too tentatively on a steep incline. I had to get off and push for a while last week. More about that in a moment.

Chain Reaction fabric design by Donna Kallner on Spoonflower
But first, another bike moment: For the current Spoonflower bicycle fabric challenge, I "built" a Rube Goldberg style machine that uses a tandem bicycle in a steampunk "alternative power generation" device for an imaginary "reanimation experiment." You can't see it from this swatch, but click the image and change the view to 1 yard to see how the repeat forms a chain design. Voting for bicycle fabrics is open through Tuesday. It's always fun to see how so many different ways designers approach a theme, and I love the limited palette challenges (this one is three colors).

Back to that hill, and shifting gears. Every time I think it would be nice to coast for a while, I make some hairbrained decision that leads me to a torturous uphill climb followed by a terrifying downhill race to the finish. And I love it! But as any real cyclist would say, it all works best when you're warmed up and have your head in the game. To do that in the studio, I get serious about my creativity warm-ups.

Donna Kallner creativity exercise -- double doodle with watercolor crayons and water fingerpainting
Most of my warm-ups don't take long. In about 5 minutes, I can do a double doodle (a Sharpie in each hand), add color with watercolor crayons, then fingerpaint with water. It doesn't need to "be" anything -- it's just a readiness ritual that gets me feeling creative and productive.

Donna Kallner creativity exercise -- fabric collage from the Black Hole
But sometimes, I need a bigger boost. That's when I reach for my Black Hole, the small bin of fabric scraps I keep for quick creativity exercises. In this case, "quick" means an hour or two, tops.

Last week when I got stalled on that hill, I did what I normally do: I struggled and wasted a lot of energy. Once that was out of the way, I gave myself permission to rethink the route. After about 90 minutes of free-motion doodling on scraps of fabric, I rethought where I wanted to go with my project and started over. It wasn't all coasting from there.
Usually there are still big hills to tackle on the alternate route, but I enjoy those as long as I've got a little momentum.

What do you do to gain some momentum? And what do you do with stuff like this fabric doodle, after it's served its main purpose?


  1. My doodles get push-pinned onto my inspiration board! Love yours.. great results, yes?

  2. It's nice to know there are other push-pinners our there, Pat. We should get all our doodles together one day and make a BIG collage!

  3. I do collages on notebook covers! - every notebook in the house has a unique cover! When the notebook is done - cover goes on the board.

  4. What a great idea, Kathy! Bet it's fun to sit next to you in meetings -- always something great to look at!


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