Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Man, Machine And Mending

Spoonflower's fabric design contest theme this week is "Sewing Celebration," so I pulled my mom's old Singer out from storage to take some pictures for an idea I had in mind.

This is the machine I learned to sew with. It was not love at first sight. Callow youth. Nevertheless, I grew to love it, and it's been showing me a good time for lo these many years. If I had more room, it would be set up all the time just to make quick work of fixing the back pockets on Bill's jeans.

Bill is a relief driver on a rural mail route, which means he sits in the passenger seat and drives with his left hand stretched to the steering wheel and his left foot on the pedals while he delivers to boxes on this right. The seat belt thing is always catching his pockets while he's twisted.

It's not difficult mending if I get to it before there's an actual hole. He's getting better at giving me a heads up before it gets to that point.

This kind of mending is not my finest work. But he's not picky.

Come to think of it, many of the qualities I love in that old Singer describe my husband, as well: Strong. Durable. Dependable. Many amazing hidden features.

And he's still showing me a good time after lo these many years.


  1. Where's the "Like" button? Love your comparison!

  2. Oh, and I'm looking forward to the design inspired by the machine.

  3. Oops -- I meant to include that image, Sherri. Not firing on all cylinders this morning!

  4. Good old friends are very precious! hugzz...peebee

  5. Sounds like there might be some good memories buried under your mending pile, too, Patty! Thanks for the hugs and the smile.


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