Friday, August 27, 2010

Swatch This

Digital fabric printer ran a free swatch promotion for 24 hours starting at noon Thursday. Thursday was also the last day of my parents' visit. I wanted to squeeze in a few minutes to upload some new designs I made in my Gimp class.

If yesterday was your first experience with Spoonflower, don't be dismayed by how slow the site was. I'm sure the traffic was very heavy, and that slows things down. What I thought would be a quick job took quite a bit longer than I expected. But that's OK. Mom sat with me to watch and visit as I uploaded my order, and it was a treat to share that extra time talking fabric with her!


  1. what is Gimp, toby and I are thinking of colaborating on some material designs, and submitting to spoonflower or somewhere to get printed, do you know how to go about doing this, i get a little confused

  2. Gimp is open source software similar to Photoshop. I took an online class this summer through, that was really helpful. But if you just go onto Spoonflower, you can connect with Picnik, which is a free online utility that will let you do lots of image manipulation. After you upload a photo, look for the link to Picnik and just play with the tools there. Have fun!


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